Our Vision

We aim to provide a safe, secure, nurturing, inclusive, fun learning environment in which children become capable, confident, resilient and responsible individuals.

Our Values

Family friendly, safe, secure and welcoming environment, in and outdoors

Approachable staff, responsive, differentiated, open ended and challenging learning opportunities

Motivated, highly skilled and supportive staff

Inclusive Early Years Centre that treats all children and their families equally and with respect.

Listening and reflecting and continuously improving on our previous best

Your nursery, your community, your positivity

‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’.
Benjamin Franklin


  • The learning environment will promote quality experiences indoors/outdoors and the local community.

  • Children are empowered to be fully involved in their play and learning through skilled interactions of staff by extending and scaffolding learning
  • Professional trained staff provide quality provocations in learning to open doorways for developing creativity, critical thinking, and meaningful questioning habits.
  • Provide a safe, secure and nurturing setting where children feel valued and respected by positive role models.

  • Provide support and help to develop resilience through all transitions.

  • To create a community of staff, families and other professionals who will be actively involved in the nursery and contribute to children’s learning and care. 

  • Our centre will have an ethos in which the wider community feel welcome, valued, consulted, respected and supported

  • The centre will promote an enriched communication and language friendly environment where children, families are included and involved.
  • Provide an environment with natural materials and resources for children to engage in calm learning both indoors and out.
  • Quality outdoor experiences that provide children with a learning environment that allows creativity, thought provoking ideas, and risk taking activities